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[2005-07-09] Thudtools v0.2

I have created a tool for printing ThudBoard save games. I had no time to finish it for 3/4 year. It is working quite good, but need an installer and readme file. If you are familar with Python, Py2Exe and any free Installer please feel free to help me out. The ZIP archive can be downloaded here: thudtools-0.2.zip. You need also an installed Python, Tkinter and ReportLab.

[2005-07-09] New article: Connecting an ISDN PABX to Asterisk

Another DN article describes my experience with Asterisk and chan_capi: CHAN_CAPI.

[2005-04-09] New C4B with splitted AVM C4 configuration

I received an AVM C4 and Thomas Wintergerst was able to add a configuration block for each of the 4 BRI ports on the controller. The new C4B version must be configured by config files rather than rc-variables, I try to change my C4B introduction in the next weeks (if you need the newest C4B beta version including this feature, just leave me a note).

[2005-03-28] Updated port: chan_capi for Asterisk

Fixed a bug that results in a one-way communication when calling from asterisk thru CAPI to an ISDN phone. chan_capi.tar.gz.

[2005-03-16] New article: Would Be CMS

Chris Coleman is working on Daemonnews again. The november issue (oops.. just released) contais an article about a PERL script I am using to generate these static pages Would Be CMS.

[2005-02-27] New port: chan_capi for Asterisk

Here you go... CAPI channel for Asterisk chan_capi.tar.gz.
You also need my LibLinuxCapi port liblinuxcapi.tar.gz.

[2005-02-19] Port patches: OpenH323 & Asterisk 1.0.5

I've made a patch for OpenH323 to be able to compile it with new ffmpeg installed openh323.diff.
[OUTDATED] Furthermore I made the Asterisk port using version 1.0.5 asterisk.diff.

[2005-02-13] New ports: CapiSuite & LibLinuxCapi

This is the first port for CapiSuite. Not really tested: It can be compiled, program can be started and connection to libcapi is good - capisuite.tar.gz.
You also need a compatibility layer for the LINUX CAPI implementation - liblinuxcapi.tar.gz.
If you want to use it for fax sending, you also want to make GS SFF compatible. You need to use the patch ghostscript-gnu-cfax.diff and install a new ghostscript with device cfax enabled.

[2005-02-11] New ports: SffToBmp & SffView

I am working on a port for CapiSuite. For this I need to port SffBmp, a tool for converting raw SFF fax files to BMP/JPEG/TIFF - sfftobmp.tar.gz.
I also made a port for SffView, a GTK2 viewer for SFF files from same author - sffview.tar.gz.

[2005-01-29] Port update: CAPI4Hylafax

I found some time to have a look to that bad coded something. I imported a new version from cvs and added some changes. Error 0x2007 should no longer be seen and MSN restricted incoming calls work now fine. Get a copy from here and leave me a note about it.

[2004-10-21] New article: IMAP server for home use

Another article of mine found in newest Daemonnews.org issue. It describes how to setup a local IMAP service and feed it with emails from POP/IMAP servers in the outer world. A local copy can be found here

[2004-09-17] New article: Dynamic DNS and DHCP

Daemonnews.org published my new article about setting up a dynamic DNS server with DHCP for home use. A local copy can be found here

[2004-06-28] 'shellbang.org' launched!

This site will mostly contain FreeBSD stuff i have written or implemented. Some of them have been published by other BSD sites, like Dĉmonnews, but here you find a recent and updated copy. Additionally i will add some ports and dist files for FreeBSD. If some space is left, you can find information about my private interests and planned tasks.

I hope you like this site and find the needed information. If you have any questions or want to leave me a note, please visit my contact page for further information.